Monday, June 18, 2007

We Love Books!

Welcome to our new book review page! Here at Planet Toys we love books. Not only do they taste delicious, but they are super fun to read! Here are some we'd like to share with you...

Life of Pi

By Yann Martel

This book is a great pick for both young adults (ages 15 and up) and full grown adults! Life of Pi is the story of Pi Patel, a 16-year-old boy who is the lone survivor of a shipwreck. While he is lucky to be alive, he is not so lucky in the fact that his companion in the lifeboat is a full-grown Bengal tiger. While struggling to survive against the elements and the tiger, Pi goes through amazing and extraordinary events that you have to read to believe!

$8.99 from Harcourt, Inc.

Bossy Bear

By David Horvath

Bossy Bear is very bossy. So bossy that nobody wants to be his friend. He wants everything HIS way, and he wants it NOW! This adorable childrens' book teaching the values of sharing and listening to others. A great pick for the kid inside all of us.

$12.99 from Hyperion Books for Children.

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